Saturday, August 28, 2010

I think that life is far too ironic

The second a break from my darling but draining class is in sight (i.e there is only a week left), I get sick. Real funny whoever is in charge up there... real funny. So instead of packing, grading or even enjoying one of the last weekends of pool weather, I am playing Bejeweled and bemoaning my current physical condition, not to mention drinking my weight in orange juice. Good times, good times indeed !

ps please don't judge me sacrilegious for saying "whoever is in charge"... it just made the sentence much more humorous...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I think I dislike my co-workers- Part 2

Dear co-workers,
I know I may be younger than you (by a whopping 5 years) but I am pretty sure I am still mentally competent. When you come to tell me something b/c you are the team leader, just SPIT IT OUT ! You don't have to (literally) wring your hands and stall for minutes. Here is what needs to be said- there is a letter going out to parents about the new teacher. Here is how you say it.
"so, uh, just so you know, (pause for 10 seconds to make sure I am giving my full attention before going on), we are getting that new teacher ( of course I know that, I was @ the interview 5 days ago, I did not forget in that time span) so the principal sent a letter home, you know, to kindof see who wants to switch classes. So just so you know"

I wish you would just spit it out. Perhaps it's my impatience coming out but I can not take much more of you stretching out pointless conversations. I have things to do... like play Bejeweled (that I was forced to download and actually pay for my addiction has grown so much).. or teach.

sincerely, your co-worker who uses what little patience she has on 6 and 7 year olds

I think I could have a second career as a soothsayer ( do they make predictions ?)

Today my morning diet coke was once again sweet and gross. In the words of a friend "Diet Coke is supposed to be bitter if anything, NOT sweet". The day- nuts and chock full of non listening students. Correlation or Causation ? Though I love to say that correlation does not assume causation, I am telling you this is a causation... think what you will.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I think that a bad Diet Coke is an omen of things to come...

Let me tell you about my day. Not because you care, but b/c blogs are all about selfish thoughts. On my way to school I typically (meaning 4 out of 5 days) stop @ McDonald's for a Diet Coke. I mean why pay 75 cents @ my school for a can when I can have a large for a quarter more ? I am just being economical really. So yesterday as I stopped, I received what can only be described as the worst Diet Coke known to man. It was so sweet I would have sworn it was Pepsi, if McDonald's was a Pepsi establishment. I even threw the majority of it away @ school. Anyone who knows me well knows that is a true sign of trouble ahead.

As the day went on it turned more and more unenjoyable (if that is even a word). I received a new student that acts like school is a foreign concept. He cuts and yells and is generally just oh so fun. Add to this that my naughty student (that I have to keep a close eye on already) decided that the afternoon would be a good time to go into the bathroom, prevent others from going into stalls, and show everyone his butt. I then had an aide in my room for an hr so I could do individual reading tests. I asked my kids as they came out in the hall "are you guys behaving" and none of them gave me a positive report. When I walked in the face the aide gave me told me they were horrible.

By the end of school I was so exhausted that I walked out the second my contract time ends (a RARITY). I went home and got the pool all to myself, which was great b/c I really was feeling anti social. After sitting in blessed silence for awhile, I decided (at the ripe old time of 8 pm) that I needed to get something done. So I loaded up my car and went to the D.I.

On the way home I thought "hey, it's dinner time, but you eat way too many french fries and dollar hamburgers, you need to get a salad or ohh... a baked potato from Wendy's". I drive up and am repeating my order in my head. " Medium Diet Coke ( I know, I know, but what can I say, I am human), sour cream and chive baked potato, and a side salad." I then proceed to order and drive away, when I glance in my bag. I have a jr. bacon cheeseburger (what I typically get). What ? I am now perplexed so I stop in the parking lot and look @ my reciept. Sure enough, I had ordered the jr. bacon. My mind and mouth do not work together anymore apparently.

I then go home and have such a bad headache the only remedy was to lay down on my bed, in the complete dark and put two pillows over my closed eyes. I apparently fell asleep and woke up @ 3 am in a dazed state. Yet I still had to STRUGGLE to get up.

Today's Diet Coke was much better, and I got to school to hear the naughty boy's eye was swollen shut, so he would not be attending school that day. See, it's a better day already..

Monday, August 2, 2010

I think I subconsciously love negative attention

Case in point- A child is being transferred out of my class tomorrow. This child (and parents) have already caused me much agony and stress... and it's only day 5 of school. I even have said " @ this point I don't even care if they transfer her b/c she is causing me so much stress". Yet when I find out she is leaving, I get this twinge of sadness/guilt. I feel like I didn't do enough, didn't succeed as a teacher. See ? I love negative attention...

I think I have a bit too much emotion invested in local rivalries...

My friend wants to set me up with her friends brother (one of those setups). She assures me he is normal so what do I do ? I do what any single girl of this era does.... I Facebook stalk him. He only has one photo to look @, and clearly that is not enough. Next step, actual googling (and yes that is a word). Lo and behold... a blog ! I have already started the stalking so I figure what harm would it do to keep going and look @ a few entries. An hour later I feel like I have a pretty good indication of this fellow. He is a bit too churchy/BYU for me, which lead me to the following thought.

When people ever mention a boy, I meet a boy etc, one of the top 3 questions I ask is- "Is he a BYU fan ?" Not "Is he a member of the church ? Is he addicted to drugs ?" nope... sports allegiances fall higher on my need to know information. I wonder.... is that a bad thing ? Am I cutting off potential friends by the mere fact they cheer for the Cougars ? Yes... and I don't know that that's a bad thing. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind BYU in it's entirety, but when I start thinking about their athletic program, rage starts building. Call me crazy and close minded but rage should not be the foundation of a relationship. So judge all you want but Cougars and I don't really mix for dating.